Yesterday I went to the Frankfurt Book fair together with my friend Gaby Jungkeit . We have walked the fair together for the second time now and it's always nice to have someone with you to share impressions and thoughts. The fair as always was quite overwhelming, since it is one of the largest events for the publishing industry. You better know, what you're interested in and where you want to have a chat or a look at, otherwise you won't know where to turn.
The highlight for me personally was the meet-up with my fellow illustrators that I all knew only virtually until yesterday, as there are Johanna Fritz, Vera Schmidt, mädchenwahn, Tessa Rath and Anja Lau (not in the picture). It was so nice to meet them all in person, see there portfolios and sketchbooks and ask some questions about their careers and experiences. The time we spent together of course was far too short, but still a great moment of the day and I hope, we'll have the chance to meet somewhere again!
Look at this bunch of happy Illustrators:
From left to right: Gaby, Nataša, Izabella (Mädchenwahn), Johanna, Tessa, Vera
After we departed Gaby and me walked the fair on our own. We had some nice and interesting talks at some publishing houses, which I thankfully collected their contacts from. So now the work begins: sorting business cards, writing emails, sending out work and hoping for the best!
Hope to see all of you again next year (latest)!